Improve your SEO results

5 Tips to improve your SEO results

Looking to improve your SEO results and generate more blog traffic?

Whether it is about looking for some information or even a suggestion, we all turn towards Google for answers. Every entrepreneur who has a website for their business would love to get on the first page of the search engine results. But is it possible to have your website ranked among the top search results without spending a lot of money?

The answer is yes

Here’s five tips to improve your SEO Results:

1. Use appropriate and relevant keywords

When looking up something on search engines, we enter specific words in mind. These are the keywords that the search engines use to determine what websites are relevant to the query made. To optimize your website you must:

• Understand your target market
• What information it needs
• Learn what words people use to look up information you are offering
• Know who your ideal client is so you can tailor your business to meet their needs

Using appropriate keywords can make a significant difference. So start thinking about what your target market or ideal customer would type in when searching for the content you are providing in your blog post.

2. Use WordPress plugins to help SEO your site

Top businesses use WordPress these days as it is the most convenient website management platform for webmasters. You can enhance your site further by using several plugins that are readily available online. Some of the most useful ones include:

SEO Pack by Yoast: if you want to improve your SEO result, this is by far the best tool.

It has many useful features like xml sitemap, RSS optimization, webmaster tool verification, Social integration, page analysis, breadcrumbs and snippet. The page analysis tool allows you to evaluate whether you used accurate Meta tags, posts and alt tags. The snippet preview gives an idea about how the site looks on search engine results.

With this free plugin, you don’t even have to install sitemap plugins too.

Broken Link Checker: Broken links are bad for your site’s reputation and this plugin help you to locate and fix any broken links.

• Google XML Sitemap: this plugin comes handy if you have decided not to use the Yoast plugin.

This one will create as well as submit a sitemap for crawlers to evaluate your website structure in detail. It makes all the process faster by notifying of any new content to search engines automatically.

It also supports WordPress generated pages.

3. Get Social!

Social media plays a big role in helping improve your SEO results.

Search engines regard social media integration greatly. It is a must to establish your presence on these social networking platforms:

• Google+
• Twitter
• YouTube
• LinkedIn
• Facebook

Having a reputation on these platforms signals search engines that you have an audience listening to you.

It is also a great way to connect with your ideal client and get traffic back to your website. You need to take note of this if you want to improve your SEO rankings.

Your presence on social media also means that:

• You own a legal business
• You are not a fraud or scam
• You care about your business and audience
• You want to learn about your customers
• You want appropriate and sufficient marketing for your business

4. Provide High Quality Content

To make your audience stay on your page, you need to offer them something that will keep them lingering on your page.

Providing quality information means that the content on your post or site is:

• Relevant to the topic
• Free from errors – you want to make a great impression!
• Focused
• Reader-friendly providing pure information
• Consistent – be sure to keep adding content on a regular basis
• Has appropriate keywords usage – you want to make sure that the keywords you use are relevant to the content on your page. You have one opportunity to engage your reader, don’t blow it by not providing them with relevant content.

5. Keep trying!

Improving your SEO results doesn’t happen over night….

I’ve found it to be  an ongoing long-term job, and there is no one single, easy way to success.

Be patient and keep sharing content with your audience, they will love you for it and the search engines will too!
