Healthy Habits For A Happier And More Successful You

Entrepreneur Mindset: Healthy Habits For A Happier And More Successful You

In this post I show you why it is important to build healthy habits for a happier and more successful you.

When I sit down and write my goals for the year I always include a section to list my health goals.   It’s important to me that I live a happy and balanced life…it’s why I left the corporate world and became an entrepreneur.

Many of you don’t know that when I started out on this great entrepreneurial endeavor I got diagnosed with Cancer.

It wasn’t just an easily solve-able Cancer either.

Nope, it requited surgery, chemo radiation…the whole 9 yards.  And it required me to cope with the side effects and healing for over a year.    And I did not let it stop me from my course of building my business – I’ll save that for another story later…

One of the lessons it did teach me is that my health was important and that I needed to have balance in my life to be healthy, happy and successful on my terms.

That is why I  add that section to my yearly goal settings and why I place importance on building those healthy habits.

Let’s talk about what that means…

Your daily habits determine your success quote

Did you know that your daily habits impact not only your health but your outlook and your ability to be successful?

That’s why so many books have been written about creating morning routines, habits, meditation and so on….

I’ve found a couple of easy habits that you should consider adding to your daily routine.


Habit #1:  Eating

You’ve probably heard this before…Food is medicine

Science has proven what we eat impacts both our health and our brains.


Habit #2:  Movement

Daily movement will life your spirits and give your brain a needed boost.

Take time during the day to get up and move around to stimulate your brain and get in your exercise.  You’ll also reduce your stress levels which also impact your health and outlook.

Your mind is one of the biggest factors in your success.

You have the power to guide it.  

Your habits, how your nourish yourself both mentally and physically all impact your daily performance.

Be Your Personal Gate Keeper Quote

What are you allowing into your mind and body?

Take a look and make an assessment…is it time to change your habits.

Here’s a few books that have changed the way I think and more importantly my daily habits:

  1. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
  2. Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing
  3. Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga

Pick one and start…my recommendation is to start with the Miracle Morning!

My last piece of advice is to take a look at your goals and make sure you don’t forget to include healthy habits for a happier and more successful you!

Let me know what goals you set for yourself…



How to have a Miracle Morning All Day Long

Entrepreneur Mindset:  Happiness is a Daily Choice
