7  post ideas for business bloggers

7 Post ideas for Business Bloggers

Have you taken the content creation quiz yet?  If you are curious and wonder what type of a blogger you are, you can take this fun personality quiz to find your style.
If you have taken the quiz, maybe you found yourself in the business blogger category and you’re looking for some blog post ideas to help you get over that writer’s block.

  7 post ideas for business bloggers


Post Idea #1: Write a “how to” Post.

This is my number #1 favorite type of post and should comprise a big portion of your blog post types.  If you can show your audience how to do something using a tool that you have an affiliate link for, this is a great way to get them excited about trying out a product.


Post Idea #2: The List Post.  

This post type is the #1 most popular post types out there and according to the folks at Moz who conducted a study, is more likely to get you shares and likes on social media.


Post Idea #3: Case Study Posts.

This is important if you are a coach, a healer or a small business owner. You want to write a case study post. and tell a powerful story about how you solved a problem for your client.  Then use this post in your marketing.  Include testimonials and if you can include a video interview to make your post even more powerful.


Post Idea #4: Video Posts

There are several ways you can go about writing one of these posts.  I recommend getting behind the camera and filming several “how to” videos and putting them on YouTube.  That’s a great place to start.  And…if you are reluctant to get behind the camera…you can always do a YouTube cut up video where you use other people’s content on your blog.


Post Idea #5:  An Ultimate Guide.

This isn’t your everyday sort of post. It’s one you reserve for those keywords you want to rank for and couple it with an entry point into your list.

This type of post is a cornerstone content a big long juicy post of over 3000+ words and includes a content upgrade – which is an opt-in that helps your reader put to use what you cover in your post.  If you’re an expert on your topic (which you should be!) you will have no problem planning and writing one of these posts.


Post Idea #6:  A Series Post

You’ve got a category you need to fill up with content and this is the best way to get it done.  Write a series on a topic or category.

Or maybe you’ve put off writing that book.  A series post is a great way to get that book written.  Just create an outline of your book then write each chapter as a blog post or multiple posts.  This is a simple and less intimidating way of getting that book out of your head on to paper.


Post Idea #7:  Create a resource page…

I know this isn’t a post but you MUST have a resource page. It’s a great way to pull all of your content together on a single page and show your expertise.  I create them around the most popular topics on my site then link out to several blog posts to help my readers.

I suggest you pick one of these 7  post ideas for business bloggers and try it out on your blog.