How to boost your blogs rankings

Tips & Tools to Help Boost Your Blog’s Rankings

If you’re looking help to boost your blog’s rankings for more traffic, a bigger list and ultimately more profits, you’ll want to read on for 3 tips that will get you results.

It seems like everybody has a blog nowadays. There are food bloggers, travel bloggers, fashion bloggers, parenting bloggers, health bloggers, film and television bloggers, and even bloggers who blog about blogging.

With so many competitors vying for digital dominance, how can you make sure that yours is one of the select few to get premium search engine ranking?

As it happens, there are actually a few things you can do and some tools you can use to boost your blog’s rankings.


3 Steps that Will Boost Your Blog’s Rankings


Step 1: Quality content

Creating quality content is the first step to improving your blog’s rankings. When you’re serving up bad or shoddy content, anybody who visits your site will know not to come back. Instead, you want to make sure that the content you’re putting on your blog is great. Because great content is what yields repeat visitors, increased traffic, and increased visibility.

When it comes down to it, the Internet is essentially made of the content. Anytime you access the Internet, you’re looking for or consuming content. Of course, that content can come in a number of different forms, whether it’s text such as what you’re reading now, videos you watch on YouTube, photos you’ve shared on social media, or audio from songs or podcasts. Not only is the Internet made of content, but virtually anybody can create content and share it on the Internet for the enjoyment of people from all over the world.

The drawback to creating or running a blog is that there are so many other blogs on the Internet. How can you be sure that yours will be seen? That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) and related strategies come into focus, but even before you can begin optimizing your content for search engine visibility, you need great content that can be optimized and that will make people more likely to want to consume your future content.

If you are a business blogger and want some tips on what types of content you should blog about, go check these 7 Post Ideas for Business Bloggers.


Step 2: Publishing regularly

If your goal is for your blog to get premium positioning in search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s not enough just to publish great content. While that’s certainly part of it, you also need to be publishing content regularly.

Here’s the thing: When you’re publishing content on your blog irregularly, that signals to search engines that the content on your blog isn’t always going to be timely and relevant, and search engines want to highlight blogs and other websites that are relevant. If a search engine suggests a blog that features outdated and irrelevant information, it might make the search engine look bad. So publishing content regularly signals to search engines that your blog is active and current.

Want more traffic every time you hit publish?  The Where and When to Post Checklist will help give you the SIMPLE step by step to starting generating more blog traffic.


Step 3: SEO and keywording

Once you’re publishing great content to your blog on a regular basis, the next step to improving the rank of your blog is to adopt some SEO best practices.

Search engine optimization is a pretty loaded topic because there are a number of different strategies. For this reason, it’s important to become well-versed in current SEO practices. In turn, when you’re familiar with the ins and outs of SEO, you’ll craft better content since you’ll be able to pick and choose relevant topics around keywords with less search competition.

Speaking of keywords, choosing and implementing keywords is a vital part of your SEO plan. You’ll want to choose two sets of keywords: a group that pertains to your overall site and a second group for each piece of content you public. By doing this, you’ll be helping to divert traffic to your overall site as well as to specific pieces of content on your blog, which will improve the rankings of your blog.

Fortunately, there are tons of helpful SEO tools available to make creating and implementing an SEO plan easier. For example, SEMrush is a great resource for gaining insight into your top competitors as well as monitoring a number of SEO staples, including your backlinks and keyword performance. Similarly, Yoast is a plugin with comprehensive SEO tools for those who host their blogs on WordPress.

The step-by-step guide to getting more organic traffic to your blog posts is right here in this post SEO Basics: How to Optimize Your Blog Post in 10 Minutes or Less.

Want to boost your blog’s rankings?  Then I suggest you use these three tips I’ve provided here.  They’re timeless and proven tips that will help you get more blog traffic. About the author:

Dane O’Leary is a writer, tech journalist, and regular contributor to TrustRadius where he shares his knowledge on the latest trends in B2B news and technologies. He has written editorials, articles, and blog posts for some of the most popular publications on the web, including Android Authority, Phone Arena,, and Millennial Magazine while also publishing regularly on his own website.
