21+ enticing content upgrade ideas

List Building Tip: ​ 21+ enticing content upgrade ideas

Everyone wants to build their email list fast and trust me any one of these 21+ enticing content upgrade ideas will really help you out!

Let me be honest from you, with only one freebie to offer your audience it’s going to take a long long time. 

A much faster way to build your email list is to offer a content upgrade with your posts. What makes them work better is that they add value to the specific blog post they are found in.   All you gotta do is to pick one and you’ll see how it helps to accelerate your list in no time at all.

It’s like converting warm traffic instead of cold. Your readers are already interested in the topic or they wouldn’t be there reading.

Adding the right content upgrade will improve your conversion rate and skyrocket your list building efforts.


Here’s 21+ enticing content upgrade ideas to get you started.  

No more excuses to create them!

Look through this  list, pick one for your next post and use it to skyrocket your list building efforts.

  1. Checklist – seriously simple, just take your best ideas or what you teach and make a simple checklist.  I did one today for a client in about 30 minutes using Canva. 
  2. Resource list – mention some great resources in your blog?  Similar to a checklist, just take them and put them into a handy downloadable resource list.  Use either PicMonkey or Canva and you’ll be done in an hour or less!  Be sure to include links to these resources and your subscribers will love you!
  3. Video – Take your best blog content and make them into video.  Upload them into YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Pulse and back again on your blog.
  4. Transcript – If you shot a video or recorded audio or have  podcast offer a transcription of the recording as an upgrade
  5. Quick Guide  – go in more depth than a checklist and give them more information.
  6. Cheat Sheet – similar to a checklist or a quick guide.  
  7. Pdf – seriously simple!  Just set up the print friendly & pdf extension in your browser and use that to turn it into a pdf.  Just push a button and you’re done!
  8. Bonus lessons + homework – see what you can add on to your post and offer a bonus less or homework that will help your readers solve a problem or learn something new.
  9. Interview – Interview someone on the subject you are covering.  Even better is to record it as a video and then turn it into an audio, transcript…the list goes on and on!
  10. Case Study – I’ll be you have some great case studies about how you helped someone get a result.  Create a case study and offer that.
  11. Additional content – don’t give all of your content away in a blog post, offer a great nugget in an additional content upgrade.
  12. eBook – turn your post into an ebook with additional content
  13. Template – offer a template that compliments your content that will either teach or help your audience.
  14. Swipe file – I’ll bet you’ve written a ton of emails, headlines or gathered your own swipe file from other marketers.  Offer your personal swipe file as a content upgrade.
  15. Infographic – head on over to fiverr.com and find an expert who can turn your content into an infographic.  
  16. Printable – different than a cheat sheet or a check list.  This is something that they can print out and have as an inspiring reminder.
  17. Challenge – create a a mini project for your readers.  Ideally it helps them achieve something that they haven’t been able to do without your help.  Deliver the challenge or a period of time via email.
  18. Free Trial – if you have a product or a service like a membership program then offer a free trial.
  19. Free Course – Create a free mini course and offer that.
  20. Slide Share – Create slides out of your content and offer that. This is appealing to people who like more visual content and less words.
  21. Spreadsheet – Offer a spreadsheet that helps your readers work through the steps you discuss on your post
  22. Email Series – Offer an email series that dives deeper into the subject for your readers.
  23. All in one kit – take a few of these ideas and bundle them into an upgrade.

Seriously, the possibilities are unlimited….
Just get creative, keep it simple so you can turn out your content upgrade quickly and easily. It really is just as simple as brain storming a way to repurpose your content and then offer it to your readers in exchange for their email.

So what did you think about these 21+ enticing content upgrade ideas?  Which one are you going to pick to get started?
