If I’ve gotten your attention and you are reading this, you might be considering making an infusionsoft purchase. Or, you might be just getting started with infuionsoft and wondering OMG what do I do now?!
I love infusionsoft, I think it is one of the most powerful marketing and automation tools available to business owners. It handles pretty much everything you need from ecommerce to CRM to marketing.

Like any great tool – it works best if you know how to use it properly.
When getting started with Infusionsoft, it can be daunting due to all the complex and cool marketing tools it offers you, especially if you haven’t been using something like infusionsoft before.
If you are one of those who is just getting started with infusionsoft, I want you to get off on the right foot and make sure you’ve got all of your bases covered.
Here are three things when getting started with Infusionsoft to keep in mind:
1. Work with someone who knows infusionsoft…
When you made your purchase, you get a success consultant to help you out when you were getting started with infusionsoft – use them! I have had the pleasure of working with these success consultants while helping clients get infusionsoft set up.
When you get a great consultant, it makes things so much easier during implementation and set up.
But…what happens when your consultant is done?
I find people run into trouble after the infusionsoft consultant has completed initial training and implementation.I work with many infusionsoft owners who took the initial training and implementation and only to let their application languish after the implementation period was over. Why does this happen? Many of them have great ideas of how they want to use infusionsoft but don’t have the skills to bring their vision to life.
Having an infusionsoft strategist and consultant on your team makes absolute sense when you are comitted to building your business to multiple 6 figures and beyond. Need help getting started with Infusionsoft or want to pick my brain? Set up a time to chat with me right here…
Hire the right infusionsoft strategist for your business
Interview and hire someone who has experience working with others in your area of focus. For example if you are a business or life coach you want to work with someone who has worked with other business and life coaches . You’ll want to work with someone who can bring your vision to life, not just an order taker, someone who can guide you and give you marketing input.
Here’s what look for in an infusionsoft strategist:
• Thorough knowlege and experience using campaign builder
• Knows how to integrate tasks, client touch points into your campaigns
• Can help you build an opportunity campaign and help you set up a sales process for your contacts
• Set up and build your products along with more complex promotions
• Knows the affiliate program set up, get it set up quickly and build a campaign to automate the process.
• Able to create and Integrate webforms with your wordpress site.
2. Make sure you’ve checked everything off your list
Don’t get overwhelmed and frustrated only walk away from getting started with Infusionsoft. It’s really simple when you break it down into do-able steps.
Being and staying comitted is as simple as doing what you say you are going to do – you know that drill!. Take ownership of your infusuionsoft set up and to make it easy for you, grab a copy of the getting started with Infusionsoft checklist here.
Getting Started with Infusionsoft Checklist:
Step one: General Set up
• Enter in your company information
• Add any additional users
• Create your email signature
• Upload your company images, logos
• Set up your Branding Center
• Link your social media accounts
Step 2: Ecommerce set up
• Set up Payment Gateway & test
• Set up Tax Tables
• Set up shipping
• Customize Shopping Cart
• Set up products
• Add products to order forms
Step 3: Add your contacts and organize them
• Set up Tags
• Import contacts & Tag
Step 4: Create your first marketing funnel
• Set up a campaign using the compaign builder and we recommend starting with your mailing list opt in
• Set up your tags
• Add your 21 day follow up emails into your campaign
3. Execute!
Whenever you learn something new, there usually will be a learning curve involved. Some of you may pick it up right away while others may need some more help.
Regardless of what where you are, you need to make it a priority to get up and running with infusionsoft. Use the checklists I’ve given you as guidelines to get help and to make sure you’ve covered your bases when getting started with Infusionsoft.
And as always, if you ever want a helping hand, Just give me a call my team and I will happy to help you out.
For those who are already Infusionsoft users, what other tips have you found that helped when you were getting started with infusionsoft?
Let me know in the comments below!
About Kristen Poborsky
Kristen and her team are experts at you generate more leads so you can turn them into clients. We use a 3 step process to get our clients building their online businesses to six figures and beyond. Learn more about us what what we do at http://kristenpoborskyteam.com/kristen and be sure to take the Website Quiz.
You’ll find out what you might be missing and recieve a copy of my report: The Essential Guide to Making Money with Your Website.
To more leads, more clients & more money!