Enthusiasm is Contagious

Entrepreneur Mindset: Your Enthusiasm is Contagious!

Your enthusiasm is contagious, use it to inspire those around you and you’ll build a loyal tribe.

When you are deeply engaged, enthusiastic and committed to creating something of excellence people around you can sense it.

I know, I have worked with a lot of entrepreneurs over the years and I can quickly tell you which ones are going to have a shot at building a successful business.

Those with positive minds and enthusiasm….and those without it.

Not only do you need to be enthusiastic to have a sound business model, you also need a  a product and service that solves a big need in your niche.  Without the right mindset and attitude nothing works well.

Your enthusiasm is contagious and at a deeper level your audience, tribe know it.

Being enthusiastic and engaged, whether it is in a blog post, a video, a webinar or a podcast is how you enroll your tribe into your vision.

So think long and hard, start observing what is going on around you.

If you don’t like what you see, you have the power to change it.

People  around you will start to copy your behavior and your attitude.  It’s built into our DNA to copy the behaviors of others, especially if you are the leader.

Take a few minutes to think about how you want to show and influence those around you.

Ask yourself.. are you inspiring or not?

Your enthusiasm is contagious, use it wisely to change the behavior of others around you and their perception of you!

Not everyone can do this…

Your energy and enthusiasm are what creates the experience.

No matter what you are doing, show up excited enthused and answer a need that your target audience has.

When you are fully engaged in what you do, it will show…and your audience will experience it too.

It isn’t a recipe or a list of words that I can give you, it is something deep inside of you that only you can create.

You’ll know when your enthusiasm is contagious because you’ll start enrolling more people.

Have you ever had the privilege of being around someone who is charismatic?

How about the contrast of being around someone who isn’t charismatic?

Years ago when I worked at Eddie Bauer in their corporate offices I had the privilege of experiencing the president at that time Rick Fersch.  He has such a passion for the business and was able to communicate and lead with an infectious intensity that was inspiring to all of us.  One Christmas I went to a party at my husband’s company in the mortgage industry.

I was shocked when his area manager spoke as he was such a contrast from Rick Fersch.

He clearly was uncomfortable, unenthusiastic and it showed…

I was so embarrassed for him and at the same time couldn’t wait to leave.

It’s called the Chameleon Effect.

Simply put:  We unconsciously mimic the behaviors  that match others in a social environment.  We do it to be in rapport with each other, to fit in.Think long and hard, look around you and observe what’s going on around you.

If you don’t like what you see, know that you have the power to change it and other’s perceptions of you.

How you show up matters.

People will start to copy your behavior and reflect your attitudes.  It’s built into our DNA to copy the behaviors of others…especially if you are the leader.

Take a few minutes today to think about how you want to show up and influence those around you.

Ask yourself this:  Am I inspiring?

Your behavior is contagious, use it wisely to change other’s behavior and their perception of you!
