wordpress mistakes

Don’t get caught making these 4 WordPress mistakes

There are in general 4 common WordPress mistakes that alot of people make and when you know what they are, they’re very easy to correct.

I’ve been working with clients who are upgrading their WordPress sites for almost 10 years now and I’ve come across some common mistakes that I see again and again.

I feel so strongly about helping others to avoide these simple wordpress mistakes that I had to quickly write this post so I could get the word out…

1.  Someone else is privately hosting your site

Don’t do it!

It’s like giving the keys to your car to a stranger and letting them drive it.

Yeah, you may think you are friends with your web designer but at some point you are going to want/need to access to your site.  Here are the pitfalls to private hosting:

Private hosting may affect the performance of your site.

What I saw today was a site privately hosted and it was loading very slowly.  What this does to your visitor experience is that it frustrates them – you only have a few seconds to make a good impression and you want to put your best foot forward.

You spent a lot of time and money building a beautiful site but it doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t convert your traffic.

Solution:  Purchase hosting at either Bluehost or Hostgator and have your web designer move your site over there Pronto!

2.  There’s no way for visitors to get on your mailing list

Acck!!!  Don’t let those visitors slip through your fingers that’s a big missed opportunity.

I’ve said it time and time again – the money is in the list.  The fastest way to build a list is to offer premium FREE content in exchange for their email.

And don’t stop there, start building the know, like and trust factor right away by creating a follow up sequence with more great content.

Solution:  Set up an Aweber account and build your IFO (Irresistible Free Offer), then add your mailing list sign up form on your WordPress site.

3.  Building a website and thinking “they will come”

That’s just plain foolish thinking. Don’t be the best kept secret in your niche/ industry.

And don’t get into the mindset that it’s hard or unnecessary.  It’s super easy to create content and use it to start driving traffic to your WordPress site.

What pays off here is consistency.

Over the past six months I’ve been experimenting in this area so that I can use my findings to better help my clients. What I found is that when I’m consistently creating new content, I can double the traffic and time spent on my website.

Solution:  Make sure your blog is set up to publish and start marketing your content consistently on Social Media.

4. Neglecting to measure your marketing efforts

Don’t be an Ostrich!  Once you start driving traffic to your WordPress site you need to know what brought them there and what actions they are taking on your website.

Most people don’t do this so think of knowing your marketing metrics as your secret weapon to getting the word out about you and your services.

Solution:  Start tracking and measuring these key things you need to know:

  • How many people are on your list
  • Where did they come from
  • What actions are they taking on your website and where

 Leave me a comment and let me know if you’ve made these same wordpress mistakes!
