3 essential ingredients of great content

3 Essential Ingredients of Great Content

What are the 3 essential ingredients of great content?

Before you dive in or click off…I want you to know that what I share in the short video below is universal, whether you write content for your blog, shoot videos or have a podcast.


Anything and everything you create must have the 3 essential ingredients of great content applied to it…

No matter what form your content takes it’s important to understand exactly what goes into creating GREAT content.

In the video below I to share THREE life-changing, reality-altering pieces of content creation wisdom with you today, the kind people only share under threat of bodily harm HAHAHA!



Let’s recap the 3 essential ingredients of great content:

First: Listen to your audience and give them what they want

Second: Get to the point FAST

Third:  Make your content easy to consume!


Finally, I want to leave you with probably the most crucial because it is not a START DOING but a STOP DOING advice…

Stop listening to people who tell you that creating content is dead, you just need to find the right topics for your audience.

If you’re ready to join the content creation revolution I am starting… join my Facebook group of big impact content creators where I will show you how to create meaningful content that gets your message out, attracts clients, and helps to build your business.


CLICK HERE TO JOIN: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bigimpactcontentcreators/