10 things your infusionsoft team can do for you

Infusionsoft team can do for you

As an Infusionsoft owner you should not spend your valuable time trying to become an Infusionsoft expert. This post covers the top 10 things your infusionsoft team should be doing to help you get the most out of your application. There are so many great infusionsoft experts who can help you make best use of this software and take over the […]

Mindset Monday: Lie #1: There’s something wrong with me

Lie #1

In my last Mindset Monday Post I wrote about having an open vs a fixed mindset. I’m still on my personal mindset journey. And, I’m learning that keeping myself in an open mindset is really the first step for me on this journey and I’ve incorporated those questions I shared with you into my daily […]

Anatomy of a Great Blog Post

What do you do when you sit down to write?  Do you have a strategy or a template you follow? I have a great system that  I use I help my clients (and myself) figure out what content to write.  I’ve been doing that since the beginning of this year and it has worked out […]

Entrepreneur Mindset: Is your mindset fixed or open?

Is your mindset fixed or open

  In my last Mindset Monday I wrote about how I am going to stop hiding out after being called on the carpet by my coach.  This is all part of a much larger personal journey I am on and that is to discover if my mindset fixed or open. As part of this self […]

Traffic Tip: How to Easily Convert your Blog Post into a Pdf

Convert your Blog Post into a Pdf

Want to get your content in front of a wider audience and increase your traffic?   Here’s how to easily convert your blog post into a pdf and then submit to free directories. It’s so simple that once you get set up, you can take your blog post and convert it into a pdf in less […]

Traffic Generation: 34 Tips For More Readers & Business

More Readers & Business

Creating content and marketing is a lot of work. Frankly it’s hard work and done consistently it will pay off, yet most business owners fail to do this. Generate new content ideas. Write weekly content. Promote posts via social media and email.  Sometimes it feels like it’s a never ending process. Everyone wonders from time […]

Entrepreneur Mindset Tip: How to take a break successfully

Take a break successfully

I just got back from taking a much needed summer break from my business. I was fortunate to be able to escape to the amazing Grand Canyon and then spend a few days in Las Vegas with my husband and kids.   Not only did we have a wonderful time together, everyone was able to unplug […]

Mindset And Productivity: Why Implementation Matters

Implementation Matters

I have to say that implementation is hands down the #1 thing you must do to grow your business. Sounds easy right? Maybe not…. The shocking reality is that only about 2% of you out there are implementing.   So if you are in this 2% count yourself lucky and take a moment right now […]

Entrepreneur Mindset: Success is 80% Mindset & 20% Tactics

Success is 80% Mindset & 20% Tactics

I’m learning that success is 80% mindset & 20% tactics   I’ was excited this week when Bobbie, my coach told me that success is 80% mindset & 20% tactics on my coaching call with her.   I believe that if you are able to embrace the idea of changing your mindset it just seems a whole heck of a lot easier to […]