Optimizing Your Content’s Lifespan with AI

Discover the simple steps to optimizing your evergreen content’s lifespan with AI… Have you ever wondered why certain content pieces remain timeless, continually attracting traffic and engaging audiences long after their initial publication? If you’re like most content creators striving for long-term success, mastering the art of optimizing your content’s lifespan with AI is not […]

Mastering Content and YouTube SEO Made Easy with AI

Content and YouTube SEO Made Easy with AI

Discover the Magic: How AI Transforms Content and YouTube SEO Have you ever felt like a tiny fish in the vast ocean of the internet, wondering how to get your content to shine like a beacon? Well, what if I told you that there’s a secret sauce to not just surviving but thriving in this […]

The Essential Guide to Website Silo Structure with AI Integration

Website Silo Structure with AI Integration

Discover how the strategic use of website silo structure, empowered by AI, can revolutionize your website’s SEO and user experience. Welcome to the insightful world of website silo structure, a pivotal SEO strategy that’s crucial for enhancing your website’s and content’s search engine visibility. A website silo structure isn’t just about organizing content; it’s about […]

SEO Basics: How to Optimize Your Blog Post in 5 Minutes or Less With AI

Ever felt like you’re shouting into the void with no one listening when it comes to your content?? I was there too until I learned some simple SEO basics and I can now optimize my content on my blog in 5 minutes or less…with the help of AI – a game-changer for getting that organic […]

Increase Your Website Traffic with this Simple AI SEO strategy

simple AI SEO strategy

When someone says the word SEO, your eyes cross or glaze over at the thought of it? Or do you cringe at the thought of using google keyword planner just like I used to? Do you ask yourself why does it really have to be complicated or hard? Give me 15 minutes of your time […]

The Profitable Content Creator’s Guide

profitable content creators guide

How to make every hour and action count The step by step guide to working smarter and creating profitable blog posts It’s no secret that writing blog posts is the most important way to share your expertise and to get traffic to your blog. And ultimately you want your blog posts add more subscribers and […]

Planning And Organizing Blogs Made Simple

How I Plan And Organize Blog Posts

One of the most asked questions I get asked is how do I make planning and organizing blogs easier so that I can be more productive? Lots of my clients start out reluctantly content (blogging) and in our over 7 years of handling thousands of posts a year, we’ve created a process for planning and […]

8 Tools that will improve your written content

8 Tools that will improve your blog writing

You’ve got a lot of competition in the blog world and in this post I’ve curated a list of 8 tools that will improve your written contet. Statistic #1: The number of bloggers in the USA alone is expected to reach 31.7 million in 2020. (Statista) Statistic #2: Online marketers who prioritize blogging as part […]

SEO Steps: How to set up and optimize your blog

SEO Basics: How to set up and optimize your blog

Ever wonder what are the basic SEO Steps to set up and optimize your blog? Then you are currently on the right page. Everyone wants daily traffic to their blogs because this means more subscribers and sales too! If you need all of these to happen, the answer is proper optimization.  In this post, I’ll […]

My Single Best SEO Tip to Increase Blog Traffic

SEO Tip to Increase Blog Traffic

It used to be that you could get away with just plopping a keyword on your blog post and expect to increase blog traffic right away. Okay maybe that is oversimplifying things, but being able to increase blog traffic has become more difficult for the average blogger. The breakdown happens between the traffic you thought […]