Growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget

Traffic Tip: Growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget

What you need know about growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget

I have been able to grow my own Facebook page & website traffic dramatically to over 7k+ targeted followers in 6 months.  Starting November of 2015 & grew my account steadily to over 7k+ followers by May 2016.

Not only have I done it once, get the same results on 3 client accounts using this strategy

Here’s 4 key things you need to have in place first:

1.  A great bio that tells them who you work with and how you can help.

2.  A link to your website or offer – if you take them to a landing page, make sure it isn’t gated and that they can check you out first.  Remember this isn’t warm traffic, they need to get to know, like and trust you before signing up or making a purchase

3.  Set up your call to action button – I recommend creating a short video that tells them why you love doing what you do and how you can help.

4.  Your Facebook header image and profile images should be on brand and professional. What you have on your header image should match brand-wise what they see on your website page or there will be a disconnect.

3 simple tips growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget

✖️Images – start with 4 images & copy – let them know what your page is about & invite to join.  A good rule of thumb here is to have 2 images of people who look like your ideal client.  The 3rd should be your FB page header & 1 should be a graphic. 

✖️Targeting – research & target pages in your niche.  Look for pages with less than 1m followers, ideally under 500k.  Your total target is less than a million – you’ll get better results

✖️Monitor – watch for 3-4 days &  shut off ads that aren’t performing.  Ideally, change your targeting until you get to @ 150 to 250 likes a week.  A great tip is to add viral videos & to do a Facebook Live video yourself 1/week to increase engagement.


The key is to target right, add videos and content that gets your audience engaged on your FB page. The higher your engagement, the more relevant you are in the eyes of FB and they will show your ad more often.

Play around with your budget – it is possible to get likes on a $5/day budget…do what feels comfortable for you!

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