Turning Your Melodrama into Mellow-Drama

More wisdom from Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff:

Today I read all about Relax in chapter 58 of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.  Why is it that we rush through life and operate as though everything is one big emergency?  Why do we often wait until the last minute to get things done?  What would your life look like and how would you feel if you actually had a plan and were able to operate in a calm and more relaxed manner?

You  would be more:

  • Relaxed
  • Creative
  • Happy
  • Successful

Most people say that relaxing is something  that they put off until later and often this is either on vacation or when they hit the wall.  Optimally you should and can relax now.  And according to my little book “its useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some time later.”  We  all have the choice in how we respond to life and it is helpful to remind ourselves of this on a daily basis.

What if you had a plan and someone to help you “Simply Get Things Done?”  That’s the beauty of having a Virtual Assistant or an Online Business Manager.  Think about what your life and business would be like if you had someone to help you create your plan and execute it for you?  Someone to take those big ideas that you have been putting off because they either seemed unachievable or you just don’t have the skills or knowledge to do the tasks yourself.

Would you be more:

  • Relaxed?
  • Creative?
  • Happy?
  • Successful?

Find out how easy it is to free up your time and make more money by heading over here at: http://vawithanmba.com/

Watch the video and decide for yourself!
