Create content with a purpose

Why you need to create content with a purpose

I want to chat with you here about why you need to create content with a purpose. You might be wondering…what? All of my content has a purpose…

What I am referring to is that you should focus on creating content that helps to market and grow your business based upon your particular needs.

Now I am not talking about what content to create today I’m talking about the why…you need to be strategic with the type of content you need to create for your business.


Watch this short video about why you want to create content with a purpose

If you are a newbie, in a launch, or just creating content on a consistent basis you’re going to want to be strategic with your efforts.

One of the things that nobody talks about when it comes to content creation is how to strategically create content to grow your business.

I know everyone says you gotta create content and that’s true but it needs to be created with a purpose and that purpose changes depending on where you are in your business and in your current marketing cycle.

I look at content creation as 3 pillars when it comes to using it strategically to grow my (and my clients) business.  I use this strategy for my clients and teach them how to implement it inside my program Smart Simple Content Creation.


The 3 Content Creation Pillars are:

1. Authority Content – this content is predominately evergreen content that must relate directly to what you sell.

When do you need to create authority content?

Here’s my answer:

  • When you are starting out in your business.
  • You have old outdated content.
  • You have been in business and you haven’t been creating content consistently.
  • You’ve discovered a hot category and you want to run with it

What content types should you create?