Traffic Tip: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your CTA

Are you including a CTA or call to action in your copy? When you use these 3 simple ways to improve your CTA, you will improve not only your traffic but your leads and sales. Let’s go over what makes a great CTA or lead as I like to call them. The job of […]
Traffic Tip: 7 Simple Traffic Tips

Getting more traffic to your website isn’t supposed to be hard….here’s the exact method we use to generate 4000+ views a month. I’ve been doing it for 8+ years now and have generated over 100k views a year for myself and my clients. I’ve discovered what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to […]
Traffic Tip: Create Killer Headlines

Use these 3 simple tips & you’ll be able to create killer headlines in no time I believe that headlines & images are the TWO most important things you have to get RIGHT if you want to get more traffic, build your list & make more sales Yeah you can use tools to help you […]
Traffic Tip: Get 50% More Traffic with Simple 10 Minute SEO

Don’t hit publish until you finish your on page SEO. I’ll share you the simple formula here in my favorite & MOST effective traffic tip: get 50% more traffic with simple 10 minute SEO. On page SEO is one of the most effective SEO tips that will help increase your website traffic Search Engine Optimization […]
Traffic Tip: Use Your Social Sharing Buttons

You might be saying OK, but why? There’s a really good reason for this, actually there a number of them. Here are my top 3 reasons why you always want to use your social sharing buttons when publishing your content out on social media. You can control what you post on what platform. You have […]
Traffic Tip: Rinse and Repeat

Traffic Tip: Rinse and Repeat your content on a regular basis! Do you have great content, quotes, articles that you’ve already posted out on social media or on your blog? Make sure you don’t bury it never to see the light of day again. Great content needs to be rinsed and repeated. Take a few […]
HOW to double your website traffic starting today!

Simple Strategy to Increase Blog traffic, Leads & Sales I did this short video over on Facebook Live where I quickly walk you through a few strategies I used to quickly ramp up blog traffic, leads and sales.This is the same exact strategy I use to triple website traffic and keep it there! See what happened […]
The Seven Secrets to Taking Your Blog Post Viral

Last updated: March 15th 2016 When it comes to taking your blog post viral which is more important, killer content or fabulous SEO? Which is the bigger draw to increasing traffic to your website? It’s probably fair to say that this isn’t an either/or conversation but really a way to help you capitalize on both. […]
Traffic Tip: How to get more traffic with low traffic content

Do you have old dusty content in your blog that just never really did anything for you? A few weeks ago I wrote about How to Get Traffic with Your Old Content. In that I specifically addressed how to get more traffic with your high performing content. Today I’m going to address the other end […]
How to Drive Traffic With Old Content

It never fails to surprise me that so many people write blog posts and then never recycle their own content again on social media. By not continually recycling your older content you’re missing out on a boatload of traffic! Do you have content on your blog that you aren’t recycling or maybe old content that […]