Traffic Tip: How to Easily Outsource Content Guaranteed to get More Traffic

Easily Outsource Content Guaranteed to get More Traffic

The folks over at Digital Market know a ton about generating traffic.  And I am always on the lookout for smart and simple ways to get more traffic. They were able to generate 55,825 unique visitors in 29 days from a blog post they didn’t even write.  Yes they are able to easily outsource content […]

Guide to Writing the Perfect Tutorial Post

Writing the Perfect Tutorial Post

The “How To” post should be a staple in your arsenal of post types along with the List Post and the Video Post types. Using the How to post is a great way to show your readers how to execute a process or to teach them.  The whole point is to make sure you teach […]

The Video Post: Your guide to the number 2 most popular blog post

Guide to the number 2 most popular blog post

Want to quickly build trust and engagement with your audience? Nothing solidifies trust faster than having your audience see your face and hearing your voice. Video blogging is a goldmine. It’s second only to the list post in popularity these days according to research from the folks at Based this research the list post […]

95 Tools to Improve and Simplify Your Content Marketing

Improve and Simplify Your Content Marketing

There are so many tools out there to help you get up and running efficiently with your content marketing activities… I’ll bet you wonder which ones work and which ones don’t or maybe how do I even get started? I’ve looked over the most popular content on  this subject and curated a list of 95 […]

Give your clients what THEY want

Clients want

One of the most important lessons I have learned over the years is to give your clients what THEY want not what I THINK they want. I have seen two big companies I worked for in my years in retail fail because they refused to do this.  As a buyer running a successful $300 million […]

Beginner’s Guide to Instagram Marketing

Guide to Instagram Marketing

Have you heard the news? Instagram is the new hot marketing tool for businesses! It has surpassed Pinterest as the leading photo sharing social media campaign almost 2 to 1. If you think Instagram is only for moms or foodies, think again! Check out the tips below to get started using Instagram to market your […]

Hashtags 101: How and When to Use Them

Over the past few years, hashtags have taken social media by storm. You have probably seen them popping up on your Twitter feed, in Instagram and more. If you’ve wondered why or if they are important, you’ll want to read on. Hashtags are a great way to increase traffic on social media and can more […]

Traffic Tip: Where and when to post to get more website traffic

Post to get more website traffic

I get asked this question all the time… How do I get more eyeballs on my content? What I have found over the 6+ years I have been at this that it takes a couple of things to get more traffic: Consistency + Promotion You must be consistent when it comes to blogging.  Simply put, […]

The Three Must Do’s for Content Marketing

Everyone knows that content marketing is absolutely essential in business and yet often this is the stage to most get set aside. Maybe you wait for the perfect idea to hit or you just don’t feel like writing today, this week, this month and soon you realize your traffic has slowed considerably. Even if you […]

5 Step Plan to Market B2B through LinkedIn

Plan to Market B2B through LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become the top social media market to grow your business in, even topping popular spots such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest. Linkedin has more than 250 million active users, which makes it an effective tool for brand awareness, lead generation, engagement and sales. LinkedIn offers the opportunity for business marketers to use […]