VIDEO: How AI Can Transform Your Old Content into Gold

Ever looked at your website’s content and thought it could do more? I know I do! Today I’m going to share how AI can transform your old content into gold. What used to be a time-consuming task is now easy when you learn how AI can transform your old content into something spectacular. In my […]
Increase Your Website Traffic with this Simple AI SEO strategy

When someone says the word SEO, your eyes cross or glaze over at the thought of it? Or do you cringe at the thought of using google keyword planner just like I used to? Do you ask yourself why does it really have to be complicated or hard? Give me 15 minutes of your time […]
Improve the SEO for Your Blog Posts With AI

Organic traffic is the easiest way to get more eyeballs on your content Here’s three simple tips to improve the SEO for your blog posts. The competition is fierce today: most content creators understand the basics of SEO and many of use get overwhelmed with the thought of doing this so we either don’t do […]
Success Story: How The Right Content is Getting This Coach Paying Clients

You are in for a treat today, I’m interviewing one of my students enrolled in my Smart Simple Content Creation and Automation Program. Miriam Bolton is a relationship coach and in this interview, you’ll hear how this program helped her create content that got her first big-paying coaching client. → You’ll hear what she did […]
Success Story: How We Grew a Podcast and Its Companion YouTube Channel

Find out how we grew a podcast and its companion YouTube channel organically along with often-asked questions about podcasting and how to get started. Listen where I share our latest success story where I give you the details on what we did to grow this podcast from 19 downloads to over 1700 downloads and we […]
How to Create a Course That Sells

Figuring out how to create a course that sells shouldn’t be hard right? If you are an aspiring course creator who’s thinking about creating a course or a seasoned course creator with a lack of sales…this video is for you as I share the 5 steps you need to follow in order to create a […]
How to Get Cheap Transcriptions and Turn Them into More Content

Wondering about how to take your content and repurpose it quickly? In this video, I share Question #2: How to Get Cheap Transcriptions and Turn into More Content Find out what service I use to get a transcription in 30 minutes or less for about a dollar. You’ll also find out how I use transcriptions […]
How Can I Create Video Content FAST?

Strapped for time but you know you want/need to create video content? I get asked this question all the time…how do I create video content FAST? In this video, I’ve got some time-saving tips that you can use to crank out video content without wasting a ton of time. In fact, I used these same […]
How Do I Shoot a Video in One Take?

Some of you may be wondering…what should I include in my video script so that you can create client-attracting videos in a single take? I’ve got you covered in this video… I walk you through what we include in our video script templates that help our students and clients get more comfortable in front of […]
What Can I do to Instantly Make Better Videos?

Thinking you don’t have the face for videos? I used to think that too until I discovered a few tricks that helped me make better videos. And maybe some of you watching haven’t even made your first video… And, for those of you in this group, these simple tips will give you the confidence and […]