How do I find and hire people for my virtual team?

Content and course creators spend waaaay too much time trying to do it all themselves…if your are stuck and not moving forward in your business this video is for you! In this short video, content, and course creation expert Kristen Poborsky shares her tried and true tips for finding and hiring people for your virtual […]
Building Your Business Doesn’t Require a PhD

One of my friends sent me a link to an article the other day that got me thinking. I have heard the same thing from so many prospective clients too and what is going on here? Here’s the short version of the article: “I am so frustrated with my VA, she keeps missing things.” […]
How to Create a Course That Sells

Figuring out how to create a course that sells shouldn’t be hard right? If you are an aspiring course creator who’s thinking about creating a course or a seasoned course creator with a lack of sales…this video is for you as I share the 5 steps you need to follow in order to create a […]
What Is the Fastest Way to Create Social Media Content?

Are you finding that it’s taking way longer than you would like to create social media content? Or, maybe you’re putting off creating social media content because you just don’t have the time? You probably already know that you need to be out on social media but you haven’t found a FAST way to create […]
10 tips to help you improve your blogging

I have been focusing on SEO as it pertains to blog post writing however I do not start there when I plan and write my posts. Instead I like to think big picture when writing my blog posts. In order to help you improve your blogging, I pulled together 10 tips to help you out […]
Want to make more money…here’s how

Want to make more money in your business…here’s how. I’ll bet you’re shaking your head yes. I’ve been watching Darren Hardy’s success series every morning and today he talked about this very subject. I love how he breaks it into a very simple process: Step 1: Add more value to the world Step 2: Learn […]
Why being consistent with article writing pays off

I am always telling my clients to step up their article writing! It dawned on me this morning that if I’m standing here on soap box telling them what to do I better get right off of it and start Practicing What I’m Preaching… I wrote earlier about consistency and now I am going to […]
Traffic Tip: How to Easily Convert your Blog Post into a Pdf

Want to get your content in front of a wider audience and increase your traffic? Here’s how to easily convert your blog post into a pdf and then submit to free directories. It’s so simple that once you get set up, you can take your blog post and convert it into a pdf in less […]
Traffic Tip: Drive Traffic with Twitter Influencers

Today we are going to dive into how to drive traffic with twitter influencers Influence marketing is all about using influencers in a your niche to get more people interested in you and your message. And the bonus of using this strategy is that you’ll build your Twitter following at the same time! When an influencer makes a […]
Build a Home Page That Converts

How well should my home page be converting visitors to my list? I hear this question all the time Optimally your home page should be converting between 10 and 20% of your visitors on your list. Unfortunately most home pages don’t even convert 1% of traffic. Getting traffic to your home page is easy and […]