Success: How to stay on top

Once you get your first taste of success, you want to keep experiencing it over and over again. I seen entrepreneurs become successful only to burn themselves out trying to keep up the frantic pace they think is necessary. It’s important to set your level of achievement in your business to support you so that […]
Do you see success when you look at yourself?

My Aunt and role model for success Jean McKay on a family trip to Banff Springs Canada 1972 Next time you look in the mirror pause for a minute… Ask yourself what do you see when you look at yourself in terms of the success you’ve achieved? Are you doing well? Above or below average? […]
How to do less and become more productive

Spend more time doing less to become more productive We often equate being productive as doing more with less time. Somehow we expect ourselves and our team to work efficiently and actually get things done even though we feel worn out and can’t even begin to think clearly. What would happen if you decided to […]
Why Consistency in Business is Your Friend

We live in a world of instant gratification and its hard to remember the ancient proverb: “Slow and steady wins the race” We have all heard the story of the tortoise and the hare where the tortoise challenges the hare to a race. The hare gets cocky thinking that there is no way he can […]
Online Marketing Success: Systems Part One

So you’re a business or life coach wanting to build a successful online presence and you are wondering where to start… This can be confusing when you don’t know what the steps are or where to start in order to get the biggest boost in the shortest amount of time. Once you break the process […]
List Building – Opt In strategies that convert

If you’re serious about improving your list building efforts, then you’ll want to make that you know the opt in strategies that convert your visitors to your list and that you have them set up on your site Opt-in strategies that converts tip #1: Create a website opt-in box gives you the opportunity to collect […]
Why email addiction is hazardous to your health
Are you guilty of checking your email multiple times a day, on the weekends and even while you are on vacation? I read an article this week by Barbara Netburn of the LA Times “Constantly checking emails isn’t good for you” and was stunned to read that people who check their email regularly have higher […]