10 Things to Do In Your First 3 Months of Creating Content

first 3 months of creating content

Okay so you’ve decided to start creating content or maybe you have started and you’re at a loss about what to do next…. No matter where you are in your content creation process, you can use this list to help you create content that is high quality, meaningful to your audience and helps build your […]

2 Important Pages Every Website Needs

2 must have website pages

You might think that the most important page that your website needs is a landing page…and yes I would agree with you. However, there are 2 important blog pages that most digital CEO’s and online business owners overlook: 1. A Privacy Page 2. A Disclosure Page Visitors to your website have a right to know […]

How to set up your home video studio like a pro!

Set Up Your Home Video Studio

Are you considering adding video to your website or content marketing efforts? You should consider it.  According to statistics, the video content is the number 2 most read/watched piece of content. If you’ve heard that video marketing is the future, the future is here. This is the right time to put your efforts into creating […]

Why you don’t want to use google to your create content plan

Why you don't want to use google to create your content plan

I’ve helped clients and students plan and create thousands of pieces of content and here’s why you don’t want to use google to create your content plan. Yes, I am bullish on having a content plan and not just one that is made up out of your head…Here’s the deal. When you research your topics […]

How to Build A Powerful Content Calendar For Your Business

How to build a powerful content calendar

I’m adamant that you must make it a priority to build a powerful content calendar for your business. In this post I’ll share a few compelling reasons why and give you a look at my fool-proof 3-step process that I’ve used to plan thousands of blogs for my clients. Let me share a statistic with […]

Why you need to create content with a purpose

Create content with a purpose

I want to chat with you here about why you need to create content with a purpose. You might be wondering…what? All of my content has a purpose… What I am referring to is that you should focus on creating content that helps to market and grow your business based upon your particular needs. Now […]

The Busy Person’s Guide to Repurposing Content

guide to repurposing content

I’ve found a simple way to take a single piece of content and turn it into 4+ forms so I can reach more people. In this post, I share my simple guide to repurposing content. Let’s start with a pop quiz for you today… which of these statements do you agree with? I hate creating […]

3 Essential Ingredients of Great Content

3 essential ingredients of great content

What are the 3 essential ingredients of great content? Before you dive in or click off…I want you to know that what I share in the short video below is universal, whether you write content for your blog, shoot videos or have a podcast.   Anything and everything you create must have the 3 essential […]