Start Creating The Road Map to Your Future

How do you plan your future? I always start to think about goal setting for next year when it starts getting close to the 4th quarter. I find it is much easier to plan a vacation than it is to plan my future. When I go on a road trip I either use Mapquest or […]
Think like a CEO

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners neglect to think like a CEO. They end up finding themselves deep in the trenches of their business running themselves ragged trying to do it all themselves. Are you guilty of not thinking like a CEO? This sort of thinking has negative ramifications for both you and your business, […]
Create a google calendar to build your content calendar

One of my all time favorite business systems is building your dashboard system to run your business using Google. In this article I am going to cover how to easily create your content calendar using a Google calendar. Here are a few reasons why you would want use a Google calendar to create your content […]
Success: How to stay on top

Once you get your first taste of success, you want to keep experiencing it over and over again. I seen entrepreneurs become successful only to burn themselves out trying to keep up the frantic pace they think is necessary. It’s important to set your level of achievement in your business to support you so that […]
Do you see success when you look at yourself?

My Aunt and role model for success Jean McKay on a family trip to Banff Springs Canada 1972 Next time you look in the mirror pause for a minute… Ask yourself what do you see when you look at yourself in terms of the success you’ve achieved? Are you doing well? Above or below average? […]
Online Marketing Success: Systems Part One

So you’re a business or life coach wanting to build a successful online presence and you are wondering where to start… This can be confusing when you don’t know what the steps are or where to start in order to get the biggest boost in the shortest amount of time. Once you break the process […]
Blog Posting 101

Blog posting on your WordPress site is super easy if you follow these simple steps… The first step you will want to do is to write your blog post in word. I have created a great worksheet for you to use so that you will have everything at your fingertips when you go to add […]
Online Marketing Success: Systems Part Two
Level Two: Positioning Yourself As An Expert in Your Field In my last post I focused on the systems you need if you are just beginning to build your online presence. How do you know if you are ready for level two? Look through the list below and check off any that apply: You have […]
Email Overload – How to cope with it successfully
You walk into your office, turn on your computer and yikes your email inbox is overflowing! It’s the one thing that can keep you awake at night after great vacation or even on an ordinary work day. I recently read an article by Peter Bregman at the Harvard Business Review and he points out that […]