List Building Tip: how to boost your opt ins and build your list like a pro

Today I’m going to show you how to boost your opt ins and build your list like a pro. It’s what I do to get a higher conversion rate (over 30%) and build my list faster. No matter if you’ve been blogging for years or new to blogging, this will work for you. I’ll bet […]
Case Study: How I added 4k+ Targeted Followers on Instagram in 2 Months

Today I want to share a behind the scenes peak at my personal Instagram story and that of 4 clients in who are in diverse businesses. By using the right tactics and a bit of research I added 4k targeted followers in Instagram in 2 months I used to think that Instagram wasn’t a viable marketing […]
9 tips for more blog traffic from Pinterest

Pinterest can be a game changer for getting more traffic on your blog. The good kind…highly engaged traffic that comes back again and again. It’s a great way to build your expert status. Here’s 9 tips for more blog traffic from Pinterest 1. Pin high quality pins Has a high quality eye catching image Use […]
Traffic Tips: How to create and optimize your images

Today I’m going to show you a smart workflow that will have you creating images in no time flat! 1. Use the right tools: Having the right tools in your arsenal and feel comfortable using them. Doing this cuts your workflow down considerably. And remember to pick one and stick with it because the more you use […]
Create A Stunning Reading Experience

First impressions are everything and most times the first time a potential client lands on your website, it’s on your blog. So it is a wise move to make your blog look and feel like it was done by a professional. ***Note that these tips apply to ebooks, workbooks, social media…everywhere you put your content! […]
Traffic Tip: What’s a favicon and why you need one

You’re probably wondering what the heck is a favicon and what does it have to to with traffic? Let’s get you clear about what’s a favicon and why you need one on your website. Favicons are something most web designers and branding people don’t talk about and often overlook… What’s a Favicon and Why You Need […]
Traffic Tip: Growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget

What you need know about growing your Facebook page successfully with a tiny budget I have been able to grow my own Facebook page & website traffic dramatically to over 7k+ targeted followers in 6 months. Starting November of 2015 & grew my account steadily to over 7k+ followers by May 2016. Not only have I […]
Traffic Tip: Create Cool Opt ins For 20 Bucks (or Less!)

Need an inexpensive opt in that converts? When it comes to driving traffic to your website, you want to convert them into subscribers and up-sell into a product or program. Your opt-in should solve a pain point for your ideal client that they can consume in 5-10 minutes and know how get a win. Optimally, […]
Traffic Tip: 7 Smart Instagram Hashtags Tricks & Tips

That’s right, using the right hashtags on your Instagram account will get you more visibility & traffic…if you do it right. I’ve had great success over Instagram this past month adding 1800+ followers to a brand new account because I set up and used my hashtags to help gain visibility with my account. Not only […]
Traffic Tip: Post Content On LinkedIn Groups

Did you know that when you post content LinkedIn groups it’s a really good source for traffic that’s easy to turn into leads and sales? Whenever I post a blog whether it is for myself or one of my content marketing clients, we always hand post our content to LinkedIn groups using the share button. […]