Traffic Tip: How to Get More Engagement on Facebook

I’ve been following and learning from Amy Porterfield who is a Facebook Marketing Expert. I’m in the middle of taking her Facebook Marketing Course and her content is great! In this post I want to share a couple of Facebook Marketing Tips that will show you how to get more engagement on Facebook and get more […]
Traffic Tip: How to Easily Convert your Blog Post into a Pdf

Want to get your content in front of a wider audience and increase your traffic? Here’s how to easily convert your blog post into a pdf and then submit to free directories. It’s so simple that once you get set up, you can take your blog post and convert it into a pdf in less […]
Traffic Generation: 34 Tips For More Readers & Business

Creating content and marketing is a lot of work. Frankly it’s hard work and done consistently it will pay off, yet most business owners fail to do this. Generate new content ideas. Write weekly content. Promote posts via social media and email. Sometimes it feels like it’s a never ending process. Everyone wonders from time […]
Traffic Tip: How to easily create stunning images

No matter where you are sharing your content, either on your blog or on social media, having strong visual images is essential to catching the interest of people. Have you ever found great content without any images? It virtually makes it impossible to share that content on platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook where having […]
Traffic Tip: Drive Traffic with Twitter Influencers

Today we are going to dive into how to drive traffic with twitter influencers Influence marketing is all about using influencers in a your niche to get more people interested in you and your message. And the bonus of using this strategy is that you’ll build your Twitter following at the same time! When an influencer makes a […]
How to build traffic to your website: Part One

If you build it will they come? Part one of a two part series on how to build traffic. So you’ve poured your heart and soul into building your website. You’re all ready and waiting for those leads to come in, you’ve got your first webinar planned and and ready to go in a few […]
Traffic Generation: 5 ways to get more traffic to your blog

Would you like to have more blog traffic, a bigger list and be able to sell more products and services? These are the same tactics I use on posts for my blog and my client’s blogs that help to generate over 7500 views per month… Here’s 5 ways to get more traffic to your blog: 1. […]
Traffic Generation: The Power of Blogging

Blogging the right content & consistently makes all the difference When it comes to unleashing the power of blogging, it’s all about creating content on a consistent basis. You can’t just blog about any old topic and expect the readers to flock to your blog. You need to do a little research so you know what your […]
How to Generate Traffic Using Twitter

Wondering how to generate traffic using Twitter to get more people on your website? I have personally experienced how powerful twitter can be when you use these Twitter Traffic Generation Tips. Set them up to get automated traffic to your site on a daily basis and increase your engagement on twitter. Here’s the step-by-step Twitter […]
Streamline Your Content Creation Strategy with 5 Easy Steps

One of the most important things you can do to drive traffic and build your online authority is to build a content creation strategy that is valuable for your audience. I always tell my clients that this is the one thing that they should not out source. In a previous post I shared a easy […]